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Why I started this blog?

Updated: May 20, 2021

The primary reason to start this blog is to have some skin-in-the-game!

To own the risk of my opinions and conjectures by putting them out for judgement among my readers. I believe their scrutiny will pave way for better ideas and arguments from my end.

Also, this blog is an attempt at being honest!

My tryst with writing began when I got selected in the External Relations Cell at my B-School. I began writing press-releases, brochures, articles to make sure that my institute was reflected in good light! It was quite tiresome at the end of continuing for 2 years.

This blog is different, I do not have any overarching goal. This is an experiment in thinking and writing across themes and ideas (no matter how bizarre they are).

However, there are going to be certain common themes, patterns to my writings.

Firstly, the nature of the text is going to be lucid and free-flowing. All my life, I have been deeply annoyed at some writers' proclivity to writing verbose sentences spiced with complicated words. I believe this is usually to hide the lack of depth in content, or sometimes their downright flimsy arguments.

Secondly, I try not to have a deterministic view of the world. In my opinion, we live in a complex adaptive system and there is no predetermined path or perfect end-state.

Therefore, I rarely have specific life goals. I am anchored by ideas, values, habits and relationships.

Thirdly, I believe that while we do not live in the past, the past lives in us. So, a large section of my writings may have some connection to history. My view of history is also shaped by my broader inclination towards Complex Adaptive Systems.

So, here goes!

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